Friday, June 7, 2013

Buffalo Chicken Dip

I apologize to all my readers that follow my blog for healthy food, but sometimes I just have to embrace my inner fat girl and NOMZ on something terrible for me. Yes, I realize there are "healthy" version of buffalo chicken dip, but guess what? I LOVE THIS VERSION. It is dangerous having this recipe...

What you need...
  • 2 12.5oz cans canned chicken
  • 1 cup Ranch
  • 1 cup Buffalo Sauce (not hot sauce)
  • 16 oz Cream Cheese (softened)
  • 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
How to make it....

Stir it all up and bake at 350 for 20 mins or until the top is golden brown.


I usually serve it with celery or Baked Scoops, but you can do carrots, or crackers, or bagel chips, or bread...its basically good on anything! K, byeee.


  1. You know this is my favorite recipe of all time! Even good on Lean Cuisines...haha

  2. HAHAHA omg this comment made me spit water and LOL
