Saturday, March 31, 2012

Drunken Gummies.

I haven't cooked anything in weeks. I've been too lazy to go grocery shopping and am currently living off frozen food and canned soup. That being said, I have a food blog that demands some attention SO I'm sharing the only "recipe" I've made in weeks: alcoholic gummi bears.

What you need (its really complicated)...

  • 750ml of cheap flavored vodka of your choice

  • 4 bags of gummi bears

How to make them...

Put the guumies in a tupperware container large enough to hold them all.

Pour the vodka over the gummies until they're all completely submerged.

Stir the gummies ever couple of hours, adding in more vodka until you've used the entire bottle. I really wouldn't waste your money on good vodka, as long as you use flavored vodka they will turn our very delicious. Let them soak for two days and voilá, you have some drunk gummi bears.

So that was embarrassingly easy, right? Well on that note, I'm off to try and find the motivation to cook something for real. K, byeeee.

1 comment:

  1. [...] easy right?! While you’re at it, make some Drunken Gummies and you are sure to have a fabulous 4th of July. GO AMERICA! K, byeee! Share [...]
